Sarah is getting married? Really had no idea that was going on but that is exciting. I bet Laurie will throw a bumpin party for that!
Okay so this week was really busy. We had stuff going on everyday of the week. Monday was PDay. Martes came and we had to go up to Resistencia for a Reunion de Distrito. Was good. One of my good buds in the office so I got to see him again. He was in the same pension as I was when we lived in Santa Fe. Our hours have changed back to the regular schedule. We get up at 6:30 and study all morning then leave for an hour then come back at lunch and leave at 130 during La Siesta. It is so hot - it really is terrible some days. We hit bed about 1030.
We had a great conference. We met up with one of the Lideres de Zona. His name is Elder Creer. He is about 6'3'' and so funny. The leaders have a nice place to live in. Their area they teach in is really run down and people like to rob the missionaries. I decided not to take my backpack with me when we visited. I just took my Libro De Mormon and folletos The kids on the street like to say stuff to us but no problems. At the end of the day we went to a members house. When we left the husband had to walk us past this road cause it is where the kids hang out and rob people. Nothing came of it.
After it was over we started to walk back. It was really hot. About half way I decided to try to hitch hike our way back. A truck stopped . . . it was during La Siesta and usually nobody is out. It was a nice ride. We dropped off Ismael and got dropped off at our pension. We stayed over night at the other missionary's pension since it was closer. We hitch hiked again, and we were so lucky we got a ride there too. Liliana is our other investigator that is suppose to be baptized this week. She came to the next session with us. I am not going to tell you what I liked about conference because that would take a whole letter in itself.
I got to talk to Renfro! He called. He was in Resistencia with my zone leaders watching conference! Ahhhh was good to hear what is up.
After the first session had about an hour. I said okay we are keeping the tradition alive and go out and buy some food or ice cream or something. The other Elder are from Buenos Aires and don't get why we wanted to get food. I was like everyone in the US buys food and need to make this a fun night. They still didn't get it but we found some ice cream to buy. Got the ice cream and ran back to the church. Had to hurry so we were jumping over dogs and running through the bushes. Got to keep it fun. Sacerdocio was de died!!!! Uchtodorf's talk was really good and Pres. Monson's was really just what everyone needed to hear. Those 2 talks were great.
The next day we didn't have food for lunch. We found some arroz and just had that. We went over to Domingo session and that was good. Afterwards we were just sitting there and dying in the heat. We went in the President's office, took a nap with the AC on! AHHHHHH! Really loved hearing conference during the mission!! After we walked home and cooked so much food cause we were starving!
Today was my comp's birthday so we just bought some ice cream and relaxed. It has been so hot here and I thought it was getting into winter. We had interviews with President on Friday. We went back to Resistencia and bought facturas. They are like little doughnuts but smaller. The President just told me that I was in Las Palmas for a reason and to keep teaching.
Mom could you send me more fotos of the familia? Someone took all my pictures. Don't know who would do that, but its kind of funny. Just need pics so I can show people.
Thanks. Love you all